IGNOU Distance MBA Program – 2025
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Distance Learning MBA offered by IGNOU, is one of the most “in Demand” distance learning courses in India. It is also ranked at a very significant position among the universities offering Master of Business Administration course in the distance Learning mode, see rankings.
The date has been extended to 31st March 2025
Read the sections below to know more about the correspondence/distance MBA program.
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Quick Info: Distance MBA from IGNOU
For Distance MBA admission help, please fill your details over here.
The information about the distance MBA given below are for quick reading. To get a detailed picture about each section, click on the respective links on each and read the detailed guides.
Course Fee
₹ 62,000
This is the total fees for the distance MBA program. See the detailed fee structure and comparison for further details and breakdown of fees for each semester or course.
Course Duration
2-4 years
The distance MBA can be completed within the minimum duration of 2 years and a maximum of 4 years. The course duration is pretty generous, but it is always recommended that you stick on to the minimum time. This will help you stay focused and obtain your degree with the least delay.
The prospectus for IGNOU distance MBA and other management programs are available both online and offline. The details of how and where to get the prospectus is given here:
Admission Procedure
To know how to get admission for MBA in the distance learning mode from IGNOU, please see our detailed how to guide article and video given here:
Colleges/Study Centers
Study centers are the institutions like colleges that offer counselling and classes for those admitted for MBA. You should choose your study center so that it is convenient for you to attend the sessions.
Eligibility Criteria
The basic eligibility is graduation. See the detaild eligiblity for distance MBA by clicking the read more link below:
How to Apply & Application Forms
The application procedure involves applying for entrance exam. After qualification in the exam you need to apply for admission. For the distance MBA application procedure and Forms visit:
Important Dates
To make sure that you complete the admission application, attend the entrance exam on time, you need to keep check of the important dates.
Regional Centers
Regional Centers are the nodal centers of IGNOU. The study centers fall under the jurisdiction of their respective RCs. You have to submit the admission to application form (Form 2) to the RC chosen by you.
Entrance Test
OPENMAT entrance exam used to be a requirement for gaining admission to IGNOU’s Distance MBA program but currently, the exam has been halted and aspirants can directly visit IGNOU’s admission portal to apply for IGNOU Distance MBA admission.
You can also watch the video below to have a quick info about the distance MBA program.
Distance MBA Specializations
The distance MBA program can allows you to specialize your MBA in any one of the following streams:
Human Resource Management
Financial Management
Marketing Management
The specialization stream should be specified during the time of admission. There is a provision for specifying your specialization during the time of admission to the distance MBA program.
Detailed Program Description
Learning Methodology
The mode of learning used is the Open Distance Learning Mode. Here the study materials are provided to you from time to time by IGNOU. You have to learn using these study materials and prepare assignments, projects etc. and finally prepare for the examinations.
Learning Materials
IGNOU uses a variety of means to provide the learning materials to the students, these include:
Printed Study Materials
The printed materials for learning will be sent by IGNOU, to the address opted by the students during the admission. The cost of these materials are covered in the course fee.
Counselling Sessions
The counselling sessions for MBA are scheduled by the Study Center Coordinators. There would be 6 counselling sessions for each course. Usually these counselling sessions are conducted on Saturdays and Sundays.
Interactive Radio Counselling
The interactive sessions are conducted via AIR and are Phone-in programs. Schedules for the same can be obtained from the Study Centers.
Other sources of learning Material are: GyanDarshan Broadcasts, GyanVani and e-Gyankosh (An online digital repository for free course materials http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/)
The eGyanKosh by IGNOU is an online archive of educational materials that are freely available for students and educators for free. eGyanKosh primarily houses a large number of self-study materials (ebooks and video classes) for a variety of programs that are offered by IGNOU. Students attending the IGNOU programs (including the distance MBA program) are expected to utilize the easily accessible online library of eGyanKosh for completing their program.
eGyanKosh can be accessed through this link: https://egyankosh.ac.in/
Audio and Visual Media Aids
Always wanted that promotion you dreamed of ? or want to ask for a raise in salary? and you are being barred from all these just because you don’t have the educational qualification? IGNOU MBA is at your rescue. You can get an MBA without risking your current job by pursuing your course as part time or distance method.
- Broadcast Via DD1,AIR etc.
- Screening during Counselling sessions at the Opted Study Centers.
- Recordings which can be purchased from IGNOU Head Quarters on request.
The students must ensure a minimum attendance of 75% for counselling sessions of theory courses. If any practical counselling is involved, the attendance should be 95% for practical sessions.
IGNOU e-Content Mobile App
The e-Content Mobile App is an initiative by IGNOU to further digitalize their distance learning programs. The primary objective of the e-Content app is to deliver important course materials to learners through easily accessible online media, IGNOU students can access all their learning materials through their internet-connected handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets.
Examinations and Assessments
Since the MBA program is offered in the distance learning mode, assessments of the students are carried out through the following methods:
Exams are conducted in June and December of every year. 70% weightage is given to end term exams. If a student fails to achieve pass marks for any course, he/she may appear in the subsequent chances, till the end of the program duration.
Assignments have a weightage of 30%, in the final program result. The assignment questions comprise of Case Studies, Multiple Choice Questions, Objective Type, Short Answer and Long Answer questions. Assignments help you to summarize everything learned during each course.
Why Choose IGNOU For Distance MBA?
IGNOU is one of the largest providers of Distance Education in the world. There are many advantages unique to IGNOU as far as distance learning MBAs are concerned. Some major advantages are listed below:
The university was established by the Government of India and is an autonomous institution under it. This makes the courses offered by IGNOU very legit. The courses offered by IGNOU are considered for recruitment to various government agencies.
The MBA from IGNOU is affiliated to both AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education)as well as the UGC (University Grants Council).
Modularity of the MBA Program
The distance education MBA by IGNOU is designed in such a way that the learner has multiple exit points. This means that if you drop out at some point, there is a high chance you get at least a Diploma in Management or similar diplomas because you might have completed the course combinations required for being awarded a diploma. This is because the syllabus of correspondence MBA from IGNOU is a super set of all the diploma programs. To know more about this feature, see: Course Structure.
Low Cost
The fee for the course is comparatively less compared to other Indian universities offering distance MBA. See the full fee comparison between IGNOU and other distance education universities for MBA.

FAQ – Distance MBA
Some of the Frequently Asked Questions about IGNOU Distance MBA is answered here.
Get in touch with us to know further details about the program.
Yes, IGNOU does offer its programs at select foreign locations. We recommend contacting the nearby IGNOU regional center for further information.
Candidates can seek IGNOU MBA admission through their official admission portal.
IGNOU always designs its program to uphold a certain standard and the same can be said about the distance MBA program. The MBA program by IGNOU has a syllabus that is very much comparable to any regular MBA program in the country that not only covers the essentials but also attempts to impart the students with additional skills and knowledge that would help in their competitive journey ahead.
IGNOU Distance MBA program is a highly-regarded distance MBA program that is comparable to its peers. One big advantage of IGNOU’s distance MBA program is that it is easily accessible across the nation and is much more affordable than many of its counterparts.
IGNOU’s distance MBA program is one of the most sought-after distance MBA programs in India and is considered to be one of the best among many. The program is flexible, well-organized, well-conducted, easily accessible, and more affordable than similar programs offered by other universities.
IGNOU’s MBA program has an elaborate syllabus that is further enhanced by various options for specialization. The MBA program by IGNOU is thorough and expects nothing less than excellence from the students.
Yes, IGNOU Distance MBA program is a UGC and AICTE-accredited program that holds a good reputation around the globe.
IGNOU Distance MBA program is packaged in a completely online form and is offered as the IGNOU Online MBA program (MBAOL).
The OPENMAT entrance exam is not currently required for IGNOU Distance MBA admission.
Yes, IGNOU’s MBA programs are accredited by AICTE.
Yes, IGNOU’s MBA programs are approved by UGC.
IGNOU Distance MBA program does rely on some online sources but is not an entirely online program. On the other hand, IGNOU does offer a completely online MBA program named IGNOU Online MBA (MBAOL).
Yes, IGNOU’s MBA programs are highly respected and are valid across the globe.
No, The medium of the IGNOU Distance MBA program is English.
Yes, IGNOU’s MBA programs are valid abroad.
Yes, IGNOU’s MBA programs are accredited by both UGC and AICTE, making them perfectly valid for all further studies.
Yes, IGNOU’s MBA programs are valid, the programs are accredited by both UGC and AICTE.
Candidates who wish to obtain an MBA degree through distance education or online mode are more than welcome to opt for IGNOU.
The advantages of IGNOU’s MBA programs are manyfold. The MBA programs offered by IGNOU are exceptionally flexible and are not only ideal for new students but are also a comfortable means of excellent education for employed students. It is also an affordable MBA program than can match the quality of many of the expensive programs offered by other universities.
IGNOU’s MBA and MBF (Banking and Finance) are fundamentally two different programs. MBF programs do a deeper dive into the banking and finance sector and expect their students to have a certain amount of experience in the same. The eligibility criteria for both these programs are also different. Visit our [eligibility] page for more information.
The specializations offered by IGNOU in their distance MBA programs are as follows:Human Resource Management, Operations Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management
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